If you lease your office space you could be forgiven for thinking that there isn’t much you can do about the overall energy efficiency of the building. After all, you can only control so much and even using LED light bulbs might not be possible depending on the type of light fittings you have.
But there are a number of simple retrofits you can carry out quickly and without too much expense, according to Utility Dive.
The organisation cited figures from the US’s Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), which predicts that there will be a significant amount of unrealised energy savings in US businesses between 2016 and 2035. In fact, the EPRI puts this estimate at 605 billion kWh.
Utility Dive acknowledges that it can be difficult to know what energy efficiency measures are appropriate in a given building, as well as to understand who should be paying for them and how to source funding.
However, it adds that the cost savings can be worth the effort of assessing a building’s energy efficiency measures and working out what steps to take to improve the situation.
One option could be to fit energy saving window film to glazing to help reduce the heat lost through the windows in your office.
A study published last month suggested that the energy-saving potential of glazing is being ignored in Europe, with many windows across the continent either single glazed or uncoated double glazed panes.
One of the issues identified is that the regulatory measures to encourage energy efficiency in windows are not being properly enforced, according to the study’s authors.